Cheryl and Trent's Wedding

July 16, 2011 - I had the pleasure to photograph Cheryl and Trent's amazing wedding  reception a couple of months ago at Lago Bar and Grill. It was a very beautiful venue and the food was simply amazing. Cheryl and Trent had previously been married in a small ceremony near Niagara Falls with some close friends back in the wintertime. But, every since they have been planning for this event. They are a beautiful couple with lots of great friends and I wish them all the best in their future. Thanks again, to my new wife Heidi, for all her help. Here are some of my favorites: groom shot out of a canon wedding bride wedding shoe. Bridesmaids shoes bride and her bridesmaids landsdowne bride and groom kissing experimental farm bride and groom kissing experimental farm bride and groom playing experiemental farm bride and groom ottawa river bride and groom park bench bride and groom wedding bride and groom wedding bride and groom wedding



Sweet Thing @ Algonquin College

 I find out very last minute that Sweet Thing was playing at the Observatory in Algonquin College this pass Thursday.  As a friend and fan to the band, I decided to go support them and take some photos. Heidi is a real big fan, so she was really excited. I was just warming up and had barely snapped any photos, when I was approached by the organizer to immediately stop taking pictures with my "fancy" camera. He said it was the bar manager's rule and despite trying to play my “friend of the headline band” plee, he would have none of it. No pictures after the third song! But point and shoots and cell phones were ok though! What the hell kind of rule is this? What kind of moron thinks of this stuff? Basically the rule according to me is no more good photos after three songs --just blurry ones from your iphone 4 is ok! Anyhow, there was nothing I could do but continue shooting with my iphone, which was useless cause it was way too dark! I hate Algonquin College. Oh right, there would have been an encore set if the Observatory didn't immediately started playing music so that people would stop clapping and leave. Pathetic. ottawa concert photography, sweetthing, ottawa portraits

ottawa concert photography, sweetthing, ottawa portraits ottawa concert photography, sweetthing, ottawa portraits ottawa concert photography, sweetthing, ottawa portraits ottawa concert photography, sweetthing, ottawa portraits ottawa concert photography, sweetthing, ottawa portraits ottawa concert photography, sweetthing, ottawa portraits ottawa concert photography, sweetthing, ottawa portraits ottawa concert photography, sweetthing, ottawa portraits ottawa concert photography, sweetthing, ottawa portraits