
I don't know why it didn't occur to me that when photographing a hot yoga studio that it would be extremely hot in the HOT YOGA STUDIO. Since, I didn't factor in that important element, this was officially the sweatiest photo session I have ever had. I was so sweaty, somebody felt that I needed a towel and lots of water. They probably should have charged me for a hot yoga session for sweating so much. Or maybe "Photoga" is a new thing I created. I don't think it will catch fire ;)

I worked closely with the manager John for these pics. It was nice as he sent me a whole bunch of images for the look and feel. Also, he was giving yoga commands for everyone and made everything much easier for me. My vocabulary was limited to downward dog and lift that leg up a bit that way.  This blog may have started off like I was complaining, but I am not. In fact, quite the opposite. If I was paid to photograph attractive and fit people doing yoga, whether hot or regular temperature everyday, I would die a happy man. Anyhow, here are some of my personal favourites...