Day in the life of Eric the Intern - Part 1

Day in the life of Eric the Intern - Part 1

Eric invited Andrew Leung and myself over for a photo shoot at his home last week. This shoot is part of the my personal portrait project to photograph radio DJs in their own environment, and perhaps get a little snapshot into their lives to see the person behind the voice we hear on the radio. 

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Preggo Rock

It was by chance all of us were together that night, partying and having a good old time in downtown Ottawa. I just came across this photo of these ladies out on the town and decided to post it as a way to congratulate them all at once.  What are the chances that two of these ladies just very recently had their baby, and one of them is due in a few months.  Oh my wife is not pregos, but we did start trying. Congrats ladies!DSC_8736web